Regular updates are occurring to the Ontario Emergency Order (OEO) by the Ontario government., News (Humberview Huskies)

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Jul 12, 2020 | Webmaster | 1929 views
Regular updates are occurring to the Ontario Emergency Order (OEO) by the Ontario government.
At the time of the Members call last week, the OEO dictated that for indoor sports, only non-team events (i.e. individual or small group skills development) that were for professional athletes or operated by programs under the National Sports Organizations (NSO) or Provincial Sports Organizations (PSO) were permitted.

Over the weekend, the OEO was amended to expand who can operate programming. Essentially, the limitation of professional athletes, NSO’s and PSO’s was lifted and activities within arenas are now under the direction of the specific facility operator. The facility operator and the contractor of the ice are responsible to ensure the activities are being conducted within the other elements required by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments and local health requirements. This means that, if the facility permits it, private hockey instructors and other individuals can resume activities providing they are operating within all the health requirements.

Policing of the OEO falls under the jurisdiction of the municipalities By-Law officers.

Having said that, the GTHL Board is still considering the options it has in permitting GTHL organizations from reopening. At this time, no sanctioned programming by any GTHL member, any of its teams, or any of its team officials is permitted. This means any activity by any of these groups or individuals remains unapproved and therefore uninsured. It is important that you convey this to your Team Officials, players and families so that they do not think that any participation is supported by your organization, the GTHL and the Hockey Canada insurance program.